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Friday, August 7, 2015

The Best Way to Slice a Bagel for the Perfect "Spread-to-Bagel" Ratio

​Sometimes food is just food and it is not meant to be science. As in the case of cutting a bagel. As much as this person want to introduce the mobius curve​ in to the bagel it doesn't do anything if you are actually cutting away part of the bagel and not even using it. The first cut she does is more practical but still not when it comes to eating it as the cream cheese will be partially at the bottom and partially at the top, causing you to have to hold it a particular way when eating it.  Sometimes it is best to just slice it the normal way--down the middle and spread whatever you want on it.. sorry folks but this is an epic fail in my opinion!

The Best Way to Slice a Bagel for the Perfect "Spread-to-Bagel" Ratio